1·Any attempt to detect and thwart this technique must combine technology and vigilance to blunt the effectiveness of the process.
2·Value analysis is an important way to combine technology with economics and reduce produce costs. It is also a foremost approach to control Prevent costs.
3·His great achievement was to combine an emotional spark with computer technology, and make the resulting product feel personal.
4·Called "the School of the Future" and created with help from software giant Microsoft, it is believed to be the first in the world to combine innovative teaching methods with the latest technology.
5·Baidu and Bing's partnership will combine each other's cutting edge technology and provide the best search experience for users.
6·Technology, cultural shifts and changing demographics combine to create new career fields all the time.
7·We will combine economic cooperation and trade with technology transfer and take active steps to train technical and managerial personnel for African countries.
8·Combine the perils of communication technology with our predisposition not to want to talk about the stuff that's in the middle of the room, and you have a perfect storm of anti-communication.
9·Using technology developed at Brown University, researchers scan birds' bones and combine that with three-dimensional X-rays taken in flight.
10·Intel plans a hybrid security technology that will combine software with chip-based defenses.